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New Girl in School – Jilly Poo. Posts Latest Activity. Page of 1. Filtered by:. Previous template Next.

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Several years ago, Jilly Poo from Daily Diapers wrote this magical story. She appears to have abandoned the story incomplete and hasn’t picked it up, or even logged in in quite some time.

So I am sharing her page,word story here since DD had their integration that appears to have made them lose a ton of stories. So here it goes: My parents told me my life would be different once I started high school but I don’t think they knew just how right they were.

It was the first day of my freshman year and like every other freshman girl, I was scared, nervous and excited to finally be in High school.

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I came to school in what I thought was my best outfit from the new back to school clothes my mother and I had shopped for just weeks before. But when I saw just how the upper classman girls were dressed, well, let’s just say I might as well have come to school dressed in overalls.

I may have been a late bloomer but the older girls looked like they stepped right out of some heavy metal video and into the bustling halls of our high school.

I managed to find my homeroom class and took a seat as the morning bell rang.

Jennifer walked away as the other girl leaned forward and whispered to the 2 other girls she had been speaking with. Dresses for Women, Mini Club Dresses different sizes, designs, cuts I grabbed a towel then wrapped it around me while I stripped down and put my PE clothes in my locker then headed for the showers.

The room was full of shelves lined with math textbooks that sooner or later would be distributed to students assigned to this room. My homeroom teacher, Mr.

Baldwin, called for order as the morning announcements rang out over the loud speaker in the room. The cracking voice on the other end of the microphone welcomed us all back for an exciting new school year and informed us of try-outs for such things as the track, baseball, softball, soccer and tennis teams that would be taking place over the next few days.

None of these caught my interest so I scoped out the room for a familiar face despite the fact that my family had just moved to this town only a month before.

I was hoping that one of the girls I had met at the community pool two weeks ago might have been in there but since the homerooms were set up alphabetically, there was little chance of meeting anyone I knew unless their last names fell between Abbott and Bennett.

Still I had hoped that someone in there would befriend me but they all seemed to know each other already and were not interested in who I was and where I came from.

I sat quietly by myself as the teacher called out names to which the appropriate response always seemed to be “Here! She was sitting alone too but in her case it seemed by choice because the rest of her circle were alphabetically challenged causing their brief separation.

It was obvious that she would soon be meeting up with her friends in the freshman hall girls’ room for a gossip session between bells. Names continued to be called out one by one and responses seemed to echo back as each time the teacher peered briefly over his paper and then scribbled his mark on the paper.

I’m not sure why but I froze when I finally heard my own name being called out. I started to form the word “here” in my mouth when the teacher repeated “Bell, Abigail?

I ended up eeking out a pathetic “Here” that would have been fine if it had come from a mouse hiding in the corner.

The teacher, who had barely spoken a word to anyone except to call out names from his list, lowered his paper and stared straight at me. I was so embarrassed.

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I nodded briefly and muttered “Yes sir, I will. My locker unfortunately was sandwiched in between two rather proportionally challenged boys Chris Bailey and Jeff Beckley.

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Neither of them seemed to see me standing in between them trying to get to my own locker to attach my lock to the door.

Soon a loud bell rang out and the doors to all the classrooms erupted students into the hallway. I thought it best to try to go with the current of hall traffic that might bring me closest to my first class, American History The rush of students in the halls began to decrease and I managed to escape the pack just in time to make it into the classroom before the bell rang out again announcing that it was time to take our seats.

Once again, I found myself in a room full of unfamiliar faces but this time a few of them were of students that might have been a grade or two ahead of me.

A tall woman stood in front of the class behind an old wooden desk. Her dark brown hair with wisps of gray running through it were twisted loosely into a rather large puffy bun and her black rimmed reading glasses perched on the end of her nose made her appear much older than she probably was.

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She had a commanding voice as she encouraged the class to get quiet quickly. Michelanti and if you are not supposed to be here, please leave now.

There is no gum chewing in my class if I should find you chewing gum, you will be forced to place it on the end of your nose until the end of the class.

Reports will be typed, single spaced font size 10, and a minimum of 2 pages front and back. The gazes of the other students were fixed on the tall dark hared woman as she returned to her desk to pick up another stack of books from her desk for distribution.

She continued to give out directions to the class about the kind of conduct she expected from each of us. Once all the books had been delivered to their new owners, she had just finished her lecture with Is that Clear?

My fellow classmates and myself replied with a weak Yes, Maam.

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Which seemed to satisfy her needs for a proper response. She turned her back to the class, picked up a piece of new chalk and began to write something on the blackboard.

Her handwriting was neat and perfect unlike the bun she kept so loosely in her hair that was already beginning to show signs of coming loose.

She placed the chalk back on the ledge beneath the board and sat down in her chair behind her desk, Begin she commanded as she peered at us over the frames of her glasses.

The sound of pages turning filled the room as the students in the room opened textbooks. The reading was slow and boring as any textbook would be but somehow the time slipped away quickly and before long the obnoxious sound of a loud bell broke the silence of the room.

Hold onto your papers and we will discuss your answers tomorrow shouted Mrs. Michelanti as we gathered up our few belongings and made our way back into the rushing river of students that filled the hallway.

I took a deep breath and plunged myself forward out of the classroom door hoping to catch the flow of human traffic heading towards the gym and the girls locker room.

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I managed to slip out of the stream of hustling students just in time to make it to the hallway that lead to both the boys and girls locker rooms.

A sign on the door read Report to the Gymnasium. I looked around and found and arrow that pointed the direction to the gym and followed it.

I held the skirt up in front of me. My dream had come true and I was never without a brace and corset again. White long sleeve lace insert high leg cupped body injury It seemed a little less unbearable now and I was moving some air. I was feeling much more confident.

As I entered, voices, what seemed like a hundred of them, echoed in the vas open space of the room. Students were seated on wooden bleachers in masses, obviously separated by their social groups.

Near the bottom of the bleachers was a group of girls who oddly all looked similar from the length of their long straight tresses to the coordinating outfits they all wore.

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Jennifer Ackland, the girl I saw in homeroom, sat perched in the middle of this group still admiring her own image in the compact in her hand.

Several other groups defined who they were by their choice of fashion. There were the Geeks, who all wore button front shirts tightly buttoned until it appeared they were having trouble breathing.

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The Cool Kids who could have also appeared on Americas Most Wanted in their leather jackets despite the warm temperatures. The Preppy kids who all managed to wear various colors of oxfords or polo shirts and khaki Dockers.

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A small group of girls, not preppy enough for the Preppy kids, nerdy enough for the Geeks and obviously not Worthy of sitting with Jennifer and her band of followers sat on the end of the bleachers.

One of them was waving frantically in my direction.

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At last, familiar faces. As I walked closer I discovered it was Betsy, one of the girls from the pool. She introduced me to Ashley, Erika and Elaine.

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I was relieved to finally have someone to talk to. I told them about my first period class with Mrs. A long and loud whistle blew and everyone in the room fell silent.

Then she loosened the laces on the back of the helmet and removed it from me. I could see the reason for the stretching though. White long sleeve lace insert high leg cupped body injury As the OP, I am reviving this thread.

All eyes faced forward to see a short, muscular man wearing tight nylon pants and an even tighter T-shirt standing before them.

The whistle dropped from his lips as he began to bark out orders. Several other PE teachers stood behind him. One of them was a blonde woman wearing a red velour tracksuit; another with short brown hair wearing a pair of blue sweatpants and a white T-shirt with the school mascot on it stood beside her.

A rather heavyset man with gray hair stood beside the two women. When the shorter man standing in front had finished with the Dos and Donts of PE, he instructed all the girls in the gym to follow the 2 women into the locker room and the boys to follow the men.

This all seemed rather silly because we could have just gone straight to the locker rooms instead of first gathering in the gym but who was I to argue and I did as I was instructed.

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We were herded like sheep back down the hallway I had recently come through and entered the dark windowless girls locker room. As I entered the room, my eyes needed to adjust to the lower levels of light.

13.01.2020 – The other girls agreed and I promised to try to stay on Jennifers good side but saying so and doing so were two different things. I felt as if my ribs would be crushed and it was truly cutting me in half. As the group of girls approached, the boys pointed out one of us in the pack and they wrote down a number that they wanted to rate her on a sheet of notebook paper.

Florescent lights hung over each of the rows of steely blue lockers that filled the room while small gray ceramic tiles lined the floor.

At the back of the room I could see showerheads along the wall that stretched the entire width of the room. The showers lacked curtains so private showers were obviously out of the question.

In the center of the locker room was a smaller room and the bright light emanating from the 3 walls of windows around it made my eyes sting to look at it.

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I ventured a glance inside though and discovered that it was the office of the 2 female PE teachers. There were personal effects scattered about 2 large gray metal desks and some sports equipment standing in the corners.

On one of the walls there was a door that looked to be a private restroom attached to the office. You going to stand there all day? I turned around to see Jennifer standing behind me surrounded by her group of friends who all giggled.