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This story from Jane Marwood has been read 1 8 5 9 6 times. The Governess Written by Jane Marwoodongenre domination It was hot, very hot and Richard had been walking quickly for over an hour.

The sunrays filtered through the treetops, blinding the boy’s eyes as he looked up.

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Richard was dressed, as were all boys at the orphanage in long grey flannel shorts, that came to his knee’s, a heavy flannel jacket, long grey socks, ending in black boots.

His shirt was soaked in perspiration with the effort of the long walk.

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Richard reached the top of the rise and looked quickly about before hurrying on towards the lake. The lake was in a part of the wood, which was out of bounds.

The boy had heard that it was part of a large estate, owned by a local farmer.

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The thought of trespass made Richard look round once more, as he neared the small jetty at the lakeside. There was no movement in the wood. Small sounds came from the treetops as birds flew and resettled.

Richard quickly threw off his jacket and shirt, unbuttoned his trousers and kicked them over his boots. Underneath the trousers were the long old fashioned underpants that had irritated his skin so much.

Richard struggled with his bootlaces, finally throwing them on to his pile of clothes. Standing up he let his underpants fall to the ground.

Richard was now naked and was already feeling cooler.

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The boy ran towards the jetty, his lithe body glistening in the sun, two more steps. Richard plunged headlong into the water. The cool water of the lake felt wonderful against his naked body.

For a moment he was able to forget everything and just bask in the serenity of the moment, heaven beneath an open sky.

It had probably been thirty minutes or more, before the sound of pounding hooves had penetrated Richard’s reverie.

Suddenly through the clearing, Richard saw two horses approaching. He could not make out the detail of the riders at this distance. He could see dark hair blowing in the wind, from under a riding cap.

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He turned quickly in the water and set off at a quick over-arm crawl towards the nearest bushes on the bank. It became obvious to Richard that the two riders had not observed him swimming in the lake.

Strong strokes brought him to the bank, just as the riders reached a wooden picnic table planted firmly in the ground at the side of the clearing.

The horses slowed and stopped, the first rider a young girl of perhaps sixteen years, dismounted as the horse took its last few paces.

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Running, to keep pace with the slowing creature she pulled on the reins and stopped within a few feet of the picnic table. The other horse slowed some paces behind, standing quietly while it’s rider dismounted.

Both of the girls were pretty, in fact the blonde girl was stunningly good looking, fine bone features, vivid blue eyes and hair the colour of silver.

The second girl had a face of classic beauty, with dark eyes and hair that glistened black in the sun. The small bushes surrounding the lake hid Richard well.

He could see the two girls tying their horses to a low tree branch. He could see his clothes, lying on the soft grass only a few feet away from his hiding position.

The girls were talking to each other and laughing. She brushed the nape of her neck below the neatly pinned blonde hair. The two girls looked around.

Diane narrowed her eyes against the sun, as she looked towards the jetty. Veronica looked towards the jetty. Diane strode off toward the pile of clothes Richard had hastily abandoned.

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She picked up a garment and held it aloft. Both girls scanned the water, there eyes skimming over the boys hiding position. Said Veronica as she looked across the lake once more.

23.02.2020 – I was lying on my back with the skirt hiked up to my waist and the panties pulled aside so my soft cock was visible. Perhaps confirming her first impressions of his physique. His cheeks were burning and his shoulders were shaking with dread.

Diane was looking closely at the rest of the clothes. Who else could possibly wear clothes like this? The blonde girl turned back towards the jetty, looking intently at any possible hiding place.

Lets walk along the bank’. She said as she walked quickly to the side of the lake. Veronica followed. Richard crouched as low as he could in the water.

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He had seen the girls approach, but had no idea what course of action to take. He thought. Richard remembered the attitude of the orphanage to boys who got in trouble, while they were outside.

It was not a strict regime, but they did not tolerate any boy or girl tarnishing the name of the orphanage. In fact it had only been two days ago, at the start of the holidays, that they had been told not to go near private property.

Richard looked up to meet the cool gaze of the two girls as they looked down, over his hiding place. It was Diane that had spoken.

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She continued. Richard still did not speak. His face was beetroot red. He crouched further into the shallow water.

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Richard eventually stammered. That seems strange, for someone who is crouching in shallow water with no clothes on’. Diane could see the boy’s form through the clear water.

She estimated his age to be about sixteen a year younger than herself. As far as she could see he was a well built adolescent. His face was well featured, brown eyes, a straight nose and good jaw line.

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Diane’s cool gaze never left the boy, as she spoke. Stammered Richard, whose whole body was now blushing with acute embarrassment.

Diane said firmly, ‘It’s your choice’. The two girls stood back from the bank. Richard had never felt so embarrassed before.

His heart was pounding and he felt dizzy. Slowly he pulled himself on to the bank. The soft grasses brushing his stomach and legs as he left the water.

He looked up to see the two girls had moved further back.

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The girls watched as he slid himself on to the bank. A nice body, Veronica thought as she looked at the firm buttocks of the boy, lying on the grass before her.

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Richard raised himself on to one knee, holding his hand over his penis and testicles. Wobbling slightly on one foot he managed to stand up.

The two girls turned and walked towards the picnic table.

Richard followed behind them – his head was spinning. Diane reached the table first and sat on it’s strong oak top. The other girl sat down on the bench, which was set into the grass.


Richard stood facing the girls. Both hands now covering his genitals. He glanced back at his clothes lying a few feet away. Diane noticed the look.

He shivered more with fright as Diane fixed him with her icy stare. Said Diane firmly. Her eyes looked down over his body. She noted his firm shoulders, narrow waist and long well muscled legs.

Richard was now acutely aware of the girls interested gaze.

He shuffled his feet in the grass. He could not bring himself to look at Diane, who was now looking towards the hands covering his genitals.

She turned toward Richard once more now holding one of the crops in her hand. Richard started to speak, hesitantly at first.

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Matthew’s orphanage.